Inside information about a range of high impact leadership and communications topics - Thomas Otter

Thomas Otter

Thomas Otter

I'm a venture capitalist at Acadian Ventures, investing in the future of work.

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A new website and an HRTECH newsletter

Time flies. Having been in business for over 2 years, I figured it was time to re-do the website,...
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HR departments. Include M&A scenarios in your HRTECH planning.

I’ve been involved directly and indirectly in M&A in some form or other throughout my career. I...
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Strategy in nascent markets: Utmost and the extended workforce.

My regular merry band of readers may remember I’m spending time studying strategy. I figured as I...
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The Carlsberg of product managers joins Unit4.

Carlsberg ad. Carlsberg beer has/had the tongue in check tagline, “probably the best beer in the...
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Workday and Peakon. My take.

Workday agreed to acquire Peakon yesterday. There is an obvious logic to this deal. Engagement...
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A guest lecture on Product Management at FAU.

Thanks to Prof Dirk Riehle, I get to do a guest lecture to the COSS masters class at...
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