Inside information about a range of high impact leadership and communications topics

Picture of Charlotte Otter

Launching a communications advisory

It’s official! Otter Advisory 2.0 is now live. I’ve worn many hats in my career: crime reporter, technical writer, freelance ...
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The deck isn't where it's at. Advice for founders pitching to VC.

I have seen 1000s of software pitches, as a Gartner analyst, and now as a VC. Today most founders...
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HRTECH in Las Vegas

No, this isn't Paris. I'll be there in October. It is Las Vegas. I'll be there on 13th to 16th of...
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Understanding change mindsets

Has your leadership team decided on an important change programme and you can’t get employees...
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Why leaders avoid comms

Communicating should be as easy as breathing. After all, it is something we all do. It is part of...
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Becoming a non-executive director

I want to work on boards as a non-executive director. Having worked as an executive (SAP) and now...
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Comms champions - the leaders who are acing it

It's important to highlight leaders who are doing an incredible job with their communications....
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The science of engagement - how to break through the noise

I see companies with great products. They are designing new categories. Their customers love them....
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