Inside information about a range of high impact leadership and communications topics - Charlotte Otter

Charlotte Otter

Charlotte Otter

Charlotte believes that in the attention economy, strategy and story need to be symbiotic.

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Interview: Five Questions with Frank Wolf

Last week I reviewed The Narrative Age by Frank Wolf - essential reading for communicators and...
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Review: The Narrative Age by Frank Wolf

Very few communicators or leaders succeed in articulating clearly and simply the distinction...
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Reputation, part deux

Reputation is complex and multi-aspect. In my last post, I asked if you're a CEO leading a B2B, how...
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Reputation Matters

In B2C customers buy from brands, but in B2B they buy from people. This is why CEOs need to focus...
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Cooking with words

Last week I wrote my 54-year writing biography on LinkedIn. It encompassed falling in love with...
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Comms champions: Focus on André Schwämmlein, CEO of Flixbus

CEOs are naturally authorities - they lead companies, after all. However, very few CEOs demonstrate...
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Marketing and communications: What's the difference?

In the last two weeks I have been asked this question more than once. Having worked mostly in large...
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I tried to break up with my phone

I tried to break up with my phone. It didn't go that well.
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